Blue Skies

Lady Footlocker

Lady Footlocker Blue Skies shot by Jarrod Anderson.

01/ The Challenge

Lady Footlocker reached out to shoot their latest 4th of July campaign.

They wanted to capture a modern summertime story that the typical Lady Footlocker consumer could easily envision themselves being a part of.


02/ The Story

The first thing we did was think about what we love doing during the summer. BBQing, drinking ice cold lemonade, eating popsicles, and just hanging out with your friends were at the top of the list.

And nothing feels more like summer in the city than a bright blue sky. No matter the angle, we made sure to capture it in each shot.

The results, a beautiful shot campaign that was able to show over 150K impressions + over 65K likes and comments on social media.


03/ The results

The results, a beautiful shot campaign that was able to show over 150K impressions + over 65K likes and comments on social media.

The images were also used for printed displays in stores nation wide.
