BHC 40 Under 40

Black Health Connect aimed to commemorate its inaugural conference with a 40 Under 40 portrait series that not only celebrated trailblazers in Black health but also created regal, memorable visuals to enhance brand awareness and foster engagement across social platforms.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Quote Source


The concept for Purple Spider Agency’s work on the 40 Under 40 portrait series was built around a regal and sophisticated visual identity. We selected a rich olive-green backdrop paired with black and gold wardrobe styling to convey a sense of prestige and success. The combination of color and styling embodied the honorees’ excellence while maintaining a cohesive, elegant aesthetic throughout the series.

Over the course of the three-day shoot, we managed scheduling for all 40 honorees, ensuring smooth transitions and consistent quality in every portrait. Each image was edited and retouched within 48 hours, allowing Black Health Connect and the honorees to post in real time, increasing the event’s visibility and engagement across social platforms.